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It is my greatest desire that through my art you remember your essence, what drives and inspires you. Every time you get up in the morning you´ll feel lighter and fulfilled.
From Santiago de Chile to Germany 

As soon as I finished my Public Relations studies, I followed my heart. I quit my full-time job and came to Germany, because of love and because of that adventurous part of me who wanted to try something new.

Since I was at school, I´ve been interested in fine arts, it was easy for me and I had a lot of fun. However, I only started painting in Germany when I later, at 37, discovered Intuitive Painting” in a German Mindstyle magazine.


I was fascinated by the concept that each of us can create something beautiful, because each of us is unique in our own way. We don't have to be experts to express our true nature. 


This thought made it possible for me to try new things, to paint how I feel and not how it should be. I was passionately curious.

Everything began when I was searching for myself

I was in a period in my life, when a lot of new things happened and others definitely ended. In 2014, I became a mom of my wonderful son, our greatest gift. On the other hand, I had a job in renewable energy, which I lost after the business set up.

Why I became an artist?

Although I no longer had a job, I was confident that with my experience and language skills I would soon find something new after my parental leave. With the experience I could gather and my studies in PR, I wanted to do something that matched my skills and strengths. Nevertheless, it was anything but easy. I felt lonely and without hope.

To live a life full of fulfillment and creativity

On my journey trying to find my professional fulfillment and through my personal development, my path became clearer and clearer in relation to what really gives me joy. Art and creativity have changed my life. All of a sudden, I felt a magical inner drive. I started painting, reading inspiring books, studying and writing about my creative process almost every day.

II published my first blog post in English in 2019. Why in English? Because I want to reach and inspire as many women as possible to find new ways and possibilities for a fulfilling, creative life.

Hi there!
 am happy to have you here...
Here is my story...
games of thrones.jpg

Kattybussepaintings came of out my passion for creativity and my personal growth, as soon as I realized that ...

... painting is more than a hobby for me.

... i recognized myself in my art.

... i've found what I'm passionate about and what drives me.



When I paint, I want my paintings to reflect the feeling of freedom, fulfillment, coming home and lightness. These feelings, which we are mostly looking for on the outside. I would like to bring them closer to you, in your home. 

What is the intention behind my artworks? You can read more here (Link)

©2021 by kattybussepaintings. All rights reserved. Do not use my pictures and content without my permission.

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